Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Web Search Quiz for "Into the Abyss"

Either by printing out this blog post or responding on a sheet of looseleaf, answer the questions below. Your answers should be turned in at the beginning of class tomorrow for a quiz grade.

The following websites should provide you with the information requested below:

Interactive U.S. Map:

State by State Summaries:

State by State Comparison:

Lists of People Executed in Georgia and Texas:


Use the websites provided above to compare the following data for the states of Georgia (where we live, obviously) and Texas (where the film takes place):

  1. When was the death penalty reinstated?
  2. How many people are on death row?
  3. How many men are on death row?
  4. How many women are on death row?
  5. How many executions have occurred in the state during the past ten years?
  6. What is the total number of executions that have occurred in the state since the death penalty was reinstated?
  7. What is the racial breakdown for those currently on the state's death row?
  8. What is the racial breakdown for those who have been executed?
  9. What is/are the state's method(s) of execution?
  10. Does the state have the sentencing option of "life without parole"? What does this mean?
  11. What is the population of the state?
  12. What was the state's murder rate?
  13. Has the state exonerated any individuals from death row? How many?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, 11/14/12

Tonight read Nicholas Carr's "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (pg. 633) in The Writer's Presence. You can read it online here.

For tomorrow, be prepared to identify the argumentative infrastructure of the essay and how the argument works (successfully or unsuccessfully).  

Pay attention to: thesis statement, evidential support,  transitions, and conclusion.

Ketcham, "Monopoly Is Theft"

Please read the essay here. Then write a thoughtful response of 200-250 words considering the following questions:

In what kinds of ways are games very serious?

Is Monopoly truly a "bad model" of capitalism? It what way is the game a fair c

ritique of capitalism? 

Why isn't this "secret" history well known?